Goal Setting: Step 5!

Welcome to the FINAL step in our Goal Setting series!

By now, you should have your Priority Goal from last time (check out Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 first if you're just joining us).

Today, I'll be sharing tips on breakin' it down (your goal, that is!) and how to stay accountable to your goal. So fasten your seatbelts!

Breakin' it down!

Make sure you break your Priority Goal down into itty-bitty steps. If you haven't already brainstormed some of the steps to your goal in Step 4, then go ahead and do that first!

To illustrate, if your goal is to run a half marathon in a year, you need to train. Although training is a step to your goal, it can be broken down further, into steps like create a training schedule, create training goals for each training session (doing this for each session is its own step), schedule training sessions on your calendar, check on training progress and adjust the training schedule every Sunday, schedule this on your calendar, etc.

The process of figuring out all the small steps can be tedious and/or messy, but that’s ok! Start with a brain dump of all the steps you can brainstorm, make sure they're completely broken down, and then put them in chronological order afterwards! 

This will get you started thinking about your timeline. Each little step to your goal should be tied to your timeline and assigned its own deadline.

Staying accountable

The bigger and dreamier your goal, the more intimidating it can be. But the key to accomplishing that goal – no matter how far-fetched it may seem – is to take it one step at a time! If it's hard to get into a groove, start with a smaller, less-intimidating step and then see if you can tackle another step once you've finished the first. Before you know it, you'll be in a groove and will have accomplished even more steps to your goal than you thought possible!

For more accountability tips, click here for your free Accountability Tip Sheet!

And remember...failing to meet your goals does not matter that much – as long as you gave it a real shot, learned from your goal-setting experience, and continue to work toward new goals.

That's it!

Congratulations and good luck, everyone!

If you want to talk more about your specific goals or goal-setting in general, don't be a stranger; email me at cynthia@embracechange.nyc.


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